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The Gift of the Holy Spirit (Reuther)




Reuther , John


[1946971790 , 9781946971791]






Areopagus Books (2021) , 296 pages


Original price was: ₹2300.00.Current price is: ₹2200.00.

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This book studies the Person and work of the Holy Spirit as He is revealed throughout redemptive history, where His ministries come into sharp focus. It begins with the personal promise of the gift for all who are regenerated, based on the promises of the Old Testament, John, and Jesus. It explores His nature as the third Person of the Trinity by looking into the meaning of His names, His properties, and His manifestations in history. The book explores the ministries of the Spirit in conversion and throughout the Christian life, looking at His personal ministries in regeneration, Spirit baptism, sealing, anointing, illumination, witness, leading, praying, filling, fruit, and spiritual gifts. The last part looks at how we are to live in the Spirit in this age, and what our expectations should be. The book deals with important issues in pneumatology, including the issue of cessation and continuation of spiritual gifts, but most importantly, safeguarding the love of the Spirit by not grieving or quenching Him.

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“John taught his seminar on the Holy Spirit in 1994 in our church. What we received were the first fruits of his labors in studying and teaching on the Holy Spirit. Over the next twenty-five years he would continue diligently to study, develop, and teach this course. The book you hold in your hand is the final product of those years of faithful labors. He has written with the mind of a theologian and the heart of a pastor. I have greatly benefitted again from reading this book. And with thankfulness to God I heartily recommend it to you. May God use it to fill your mind with understanding and greater appreciation as you consider the Person and work of the Holy Spirit in your life.”
—Amresh Semurath, Pastor, Reformed Evangelical Church, Trinidad & Tobago

“The work is extraordinary. Thoroughly biblical, and yet, written in conversation with the great writers of church history. Even the most experienced pastor/theologian will gain new insight from this work into the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, not because the author has discovered new truths, but because he brings to light the great truths of historic, Evangelical, and Reformed Christianity that have been lost or neglected in the superficiality of this present age. At the same time, the author presents the material without the complex jargon often associated with such profound work. He has made some of the greatest and most profound truths regarding the Holy Spirit accessible to all and he has demonstrated how they impact every aspect of the Christian life—conversion, sanctification, ecclesiology, ministry, missions, etc. This work deserves to be read and reread throughout the years!”
—Paul David Washer, Founder and Director of HeartCry Missionary Society

“Here is the fruit of decades of study in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Reuther, the theologian, presents the Person and work of the Third Person of the Trinity in the context of Scripture, redemptive history, and historical theology. Reuther, the pastor, navigates Christ’s sheep into nourishing and refreshing pastures of biblical truth so that we who live by the Spirit, may also walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). He exegetically opens Scripture, winsomely interacts with proponents of diverse perspectives, and insightfully instructs us in solidarity with sound Evangelical and Reformed convictions. He guides us in the practical matters of personal piety and ecclesiastical communion. He compels us to worship and serve our triune God in union with Christ and each other by His Spirit. Read The Gift of the Holy Spirit and you will be encouraged and equipped to live as a recipient of the Spirit of the risen Christ in this present age of New Covenant salvation.”
—Dr. Alan J. Dunn, Pastor, Grace Covenant Baptist Church, Flemington, NJ

“Excellent! The best book I have seen on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The author makes massive and appropriate use of Scripture. His effective citation of numerous authors is also noteworthy. His discussions of the Spirit and the Trinity, spiritual gifts, life in the Spirit, and the importance of church membership are very helpful.”
—Dr. Robert C. Newman, Professor of New Testament and Christian Evidences, Emeritus, Biblical Theological Seminary (now Missio Seminary)

“In a time when widespread error and confusion abounds about the work of the Holy Spirit today, Reuther provides sound and timely instruction in what Scripture teaches. Clearly written and fair and knowledgeable in dealing with views he disagrees with; this study will especially benefit Christians desiring to grow in a biblically based expectation of the work of the Spirit in their lives.”
—Dr. Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary

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