The Reformed Bookstore at Vizag is committed to publishing and distributing sound biblical and Reformed literature in India.

Our books are specially imported from overseas publishers like Banner of Truth, Reformation Heritage Books (RHB), Ligonier, Presbyterian & Reformed (P&R), etc.

Our main objective is to make Christian literature easily accessible to the Indian readers who are keen to learn more about God and the sound doctrines of the historical Christian faith at affordable prices.

We also involve in the translation of such literature into the Indian languages and reprinting the Christian classics.

Please contact us for Study Bibles, missionary biographies, Theology books, Puritan Paperbacks, daily devotionals, catechisms and confessions of the Christian faith, commentaries, Gospel tracts in English and Telugu, and more.

While all titles have been checked and deemed profitable for our readers’ edification, our distribution of these books does not imply that we are in total agreement with all of the publishers’ and authors’ beliefs and persuasions. We urge our readers to use discernment like the Berean Christians in Acts 17:11. Reformed Books does not endorse nor is responsible for the content that may be posted by these authors or publishers on other external websites or media platforms.


Bible Witness Magazine

Daily Devotion

Gospel Tracts (English, Telugu) 

For copies, visit our bookroom or contact us