Book Summary

All Things Made New Book Summary: Discovering God’s Plan for Renewal


Table of Contents


All Things Made New book by John Flavel is a thought-provoking read that explores the concept of renewal from a spiritual perspective. The book delves into the transformative power of God’s love, grace, and mercy, and how it can bring about renewal in all aspects of our lives.

John Flavel was a renowned 17th-century English Puritan preacher and writer, known for his deep understanding of scripture and his ability to communicate its truths in a practical and engaging way. In All Things Made New, Flavel draws upon his extensive knowledge of the Bible to offer insights and guidance that are as relevant today as they were when he first wrote them.

The book is divided into four sections, each of which focuses on a different aspect of renewal. In the following sections, we will explore each of these themes in more detail, highlighting the key ideas and takeaways from the book.

Section 1: Renewal through Redemption

The first section of All Things Made New book focuses on the concept of renewal through redemption. Flavel argues that renewal is only possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the transformative power of His redemptive work on the cross.

Flavel’s writing is deeply rooted in scripture, and he draws upon a wide range of biblical references to illustrate his points. He emphasizes the need for a genuine faith in Christ and a willingness to surrender one’s life to Him completely.

Key takeaways from this section include:

  • The importance of repentance and turning away from sin

  • The necessity of faith in Christ for salvation and renewal
  • The transformative power of Christ’s redemptive work on the cross

Section 2: Renewal through Sanctification

The second section of All Things Made New book explores the concept of renewal through sanctification. Flavel argues that renewal is an ongoing process that involves a continual transformation of the heart and mind through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Flavel emphasizes the importance of daily spiritual practices, such as prayer, Bible study, and meditation, in fostering growth and renewal in the Christian life. He also discusses the role of community and accountability in supporting believers in their journey towards renewal.

Key takeaways from this section include:

  • The importance of spiritual disciplines in fostering renewal
  • The role of the Holy Spirit in the process of sanctification
  • The importance of community and accountability in supporting believers in their journey towards renewal

Section 3: Renewal through Restoration

The third section of All Things Made New book focuses on the concept of renewal through restoration. Flavel argues that renewal involves a restoration of all things to their original state of perfection, as God intended them to be.

Flavel emphasizes the importance of living a life that is in alignment with God’s purposes and values, and the need to reject the world’s standards and values that are contrary to God’s will. He also discusses the importance of stewardship and care for God’s creation as a part of the process of renewal.

Key takeaways from this section include:

  • The importance of living a life that is in alignment with God’s purposes and values
  • The need to reject the world’s standards and values that are contrary to God’s will
  • The importance of stewardship and care for God’s creation as a part of the process of renewal

Section 4: Renewal through Glory

The fourth and final section of All Things Made New book focuses on the concept of renewal through glory.

Flavel argues that renewal involves a final transformation of the believer, in which they are fully restored to their original state of perfection and brought into the fullness of God’s glory.

Flavel draws heavily on biblical passages that describe the future glory that awaits believers, emphasizing the hope and assurance that comes from knowing that our ultimate destiny is to be united with God in perfect love and harmony.

Key takeaways from this section include:

  • The hope and assurance that comes from knowing our ultimate destiny is to be united with God in perfect love and harmony
  • The need to focus on eternal values and perspectives rather than temporary, worldly concerns
  • The importance of living in light of the future glory that awaits us as believers


Q: Who is John Flavel? A: John Flavel was a 17th-century English Puritan preacher and writer known for his deep understanding of scripture and his ability to communicate its truths in a practical and engaging way.

Q: What is All Things Made New book summary about? A: All Things Made New book summary is about the concept of renewal from a spiritual perspective, and how it is possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the transformative power of His love, grace, and mercy.

Q: What are some of the key themes in All Things Made New book summary? A: Some of the key themes in All Things Made New book summary include renewal through redemption, sanctification, restoration, and glory, as well as the importance of spiritual disciplines, community, and accountability in supporting believers in their journey towards renewal.


All Things Made New book summary by John Flavel is a powerful exploration of the concept of renewal from a spiritual perspective. Flavel draws upon his extensive knowledge of scripture to offer timeless insights and guidance that are as relevant today as they were when he first wrote them.

Through his writing, Flavel emphasizes the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, in bringing about renewal in all aspects of our lives. He also highlights the importance of spiritual disciplines, community, and accountability in supporting believers in their journey towards renewal.

Overall, All Things Made New book summary is a thought-provoking and inspiring read for anyone seeking to understand God’s plan for renewal and embrace a life of transformation


"What is the world but a transient scene of vanity? What are all its joys, but empty and delusory dreams?"

"There is no way to a renewed state but by a renovation of the heart."

"The Gospel is the revelation of the way of renewing grace."

"Our only hope of renewal lies in a new covenant and a new heart, both of which are made possible through Jesus Christ."

"To be renewed is to be brought back to our original state of perfection, and to be brought into the fullness of God's glory."

"The Holy Spirit is the great agent of renewal in the soul, quickening us to new life, enlightening us to the truth, and conforming us to the image of Christ."

"The more we are renewed in grace, the more we shall be renewed in glory."

"The hope of renewal is not a vain hope, but a sure and certain hope, grounded in the promises of God and the finished work of Christ."

All Things Made New

Numerous stories are told from John Flavel’s life of how people ‘happened to meet him’…

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