Apostasy from the Gospel
Table of Contents
In his book “Apostasy from the Gospel,” John Owen explores the dangers of turning away from the true Gospel of Christ. He warns against the various forms of apostasy that can creep into the church and lead believers astray. In this article, we will provide a summary of Owen’s insights and explore the importance of staying faithful to the Gospel.
Understanding Apostasy
Apostasy is a term used to describe the act of turning away from the faith. It can happen to both individuals and entire churches. Owen identifies several forms of apostasy that are prevalent today:
1. Doctrinal Apostasy
Doctrinal apostasy occurs when people start to question or reject the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. This can include denying the deity of Christ, the authority of Scripture, or the existence of sin and judgment.
2. Moral Apostasy
Moral apostasy refers to a departure from the moral standards set forth in Scripture. This can manifest in a variety of ways, including sexual immorality, greed, and dishonesty..
3. Spiritual Apostasy
Spiritual apostasy occurs when people turn away from the true worship of God and start to follow false teachings or practices. This can include embracing New Age or Eastern spiritual practices, or pursuing personal enlightenment instead of submission to God.
The Consequences of Apostasy
Owen warns that apostasy is a serious offense that carries severe consequences. He writes that those who turn away from the Gospel “crucify the Son of God afresh, and put him to open shame” (Hebrews 6:6). This means that apostates are essentially denying the power of Christ’s sacrifice and rejecting the salvation that He offers.
In addition to the spiritual consequences, apostasy can also have a negative impact on the church as a whole. It can lead to division and strife, as well as confusion and compromise when it comes to matters of faith.
The Importance of Staying Faithful
Given the dangers of apostasy, it is crucial that believers remain faithful to the Gospel. Owen argues that this requires a steadfast commitment to the truth of Scripture and a willingness to stand up against false teachings and practices.
Staying faithful also means maintaining a strong personal relationship with God. Owen stresses the importance of prayer, meditation on Scripture, and reliance on the Holy Spirit to guide us in our daily lives.
1. Can a Christian lose their salvation?
Owen believes that it is possible for a person who was truly saved to fall away from the faith and become an apostate. However, he also acknowledges that true believers will ultimately persevere in their faith and be saved. This is known as the doctrine of “perseverance of the saints.”
2. What can we do to avoid apostasy?
To avoid apostasy, we must remain vigilant and committed to the truth of Scripture. This includes studying the Bible, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and being willing to stand up against false teachings and practices. We should also cultivate a strong personal relationship with God through prayer, worship, and obedience.
3. What are some signs of apostasy?
Signs of apostasy can include a rejection of essential Christian doctrines, a departure from biblical moral standards, and a pursuit of false spiritual practices. It can also involve a loss of passion for God and His Word, and a lack of interest in participating in the life of the church.
In conclusion, “Apostasy from the Gospel” is a thought-provoking book that addresses a topic that is relevant to Christians today. The danger of turning away from the truth and the consequences of doing so cannot be understated. John Owen’s insights and warnings are as relevant today as they were when he wrote this book over 300 years ago.
As Christians, it’s important for us to stay grounded in the truth of the gospel and to guard ourselves against the temptation to stray. This can be accomplished through prayer, reading and studying the Bible, and fellowship with other believers.
If you’re struggling with doubts or have questions about the gospel, I highly recommend reading “Apostasy from the Gospel” and other books that delve into the theological foundations of our faith. It’s important for us to know what we believe and why we believe it.
In short, “Apostasy from the Gospel” is a must-read for any Christian who wants to deepen their understanding of the dangers of turning away from the truth and the importance of staying grounded in the gospel.
"No man shall ever behold the glory of Christ by sight hereafter, who doth not in some measure behold it by faith here in this world."
"The gospel is no other thing but the revelation of the glory of Christ unto us, with the way and means of our participation thereof."
"They who have once received the truth of the gospel and afterward depart from it, either never knew it in the power of it, or had never a due sense of its glory and excellency."
"Those who apostatize from the gospel of Christ do usually fall into one of two extremes: either they grow cold and indifferent, or they become enthusiastic and full of false zeal."
"To forsake the gospel is to forsake Christ himself, who is the substance and life of it."
Apostasy from the Gospel
Now, in this modernised abridgement of John Owen’s Apostasy From the Gospel, Dr. R.J.K. Law makes…