
Debunking the Myth: Is it Dangerous to Read the Puritans? Exploring the Truth and Benefits


Are you worried that reading the Puritans might be dangerous? Don’t be! Let’s debunk this myth and discover the truth about reading the works of the Puritans.
Assumption I: Puritans are often accused of legalism, of inventing rules for the Christian life.
A plain reading of their works will show that they started with a sincere relationship with God, a reverential honour of His commands, a holy fear of God and a hatred of sin. These naturally cultivated spiritual fruit which naturally emanated out into their teachings and writings! They did not start with “the rules” and force-fit them retrospectively into Christianity.

Assumption II: Puritanical theology feeds only the head and detracts from the heart and life.
On the contrary, their writings contain clear application to various tangible aspects of Christian living, such as family life, church governance, and even social ethics!
In fact, Puritan writings can be quite encouraging, edifying and beneficial. Here are more reasons:
Historical Perspective: The Puritans played a significant role in shaping Western culture and history. By reading their works, you can gain valuable insights into their beliefs, values, and contributions to society in 17th century England.

Moral and Spiritual Guidance: The Puritans were known for their strong moral and religious convictions. In fact, the Puritans emphasise what is severely lacking today in Christianity: holiness, discipline, and accountability to God. Since their theology is rooted in a faithful interpretation of the Bible – exegetical exposition and conclusions, their writings can be trusted to provide valuable and accurate scriptural guidance on topics such as ethics, spirituality, and personal growth.

Literary Excellence: Many Puritan writers were skilled in literary craftsmanship. Many were multilinguists who learnt & mastered classical languages from a young age. Their works showcase a rich blend of theology, philosophy, and poetic language. Reading their writings can enhance your appreciation for literature. Yes, they may be prolix in their writing, but their penmanship is rich, deep, and no-fluff! That’s why we have recommend several downsized devotionals as a starter for the modern reader, especially if you’re new to the Puritans. Keep reading till the end of this article!

Cultural Understanding: Studying the Puritans helps us understand the cultural context of their time. It allows us to explore the challenges they faced and the ideas they grappled with, fostering a deeper understanding of history.

Intellectual Stimulation: The Puritans were renowned for their intellectual rigor as they paid close attention to upkeep the “life of the mind”. Engaging with their writings can stimulate critical thinking and broaden your intellectual horizons.

Relevance Today: Despite being written centuries ago, the Puritans’ ideas often resonate with contemporary issues. Didn’t the preacher in Ecclesiastes teach us that “there is nothing new under the sun”? The problems, false teachings, and issues which they confronted and tackled in their day continues to resurface in different shapes and forms, in 21st century Christianity! Reading their works can provide timeless wisdom that is still applicable in our modern lives.
It is important to approach, explore and embrace their writings with an open mind, recognizing the historical context in which they lived while appreciating the enduring truths found in their theology. Enrich your understanding of history, culture, and most importantly, of the God of the Bible — who is the same today as He was in the age of the Puritans.  “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8).
Happy reading!

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