Book Summary

Dying Thoughts by Richard Baxter


Table of Contents


As human beings, we all share one common destiny, and that is death. While we don’t know when or how it will happen, we all know that it is inevitable. In his book Dying Thoughts, Richard Baxter offers us a reflection on life, death, and eternity. Baxter, a prominent 17th-century English Puritan church leader, wrote this book as a series of meditations on the inevitability of death and how we can prepare for it.

In this book summary, we will explore the key themes and insights of Dying Thoughts by Richard Baxter.

Understanding Death


In Dying Thoughts, Richard Baxter emphasizes the inevitability of death and how we should prepare for it. He argues that we should view death not as a curse but as a blessing because it is a gateway to eternal life. Baxter encourages us to prepare for death by living a life of holiness and devotion to God.

Preparing for Eternity

Baxter believes that the key to preparing for eternity is to live a life of repentance and faith in God. He urges his readers to reflect on their lives and to seek forgiveness for their sins. Baxter emphasizes the importance of living a life of humility and to acknowledge that we are all sinners in need of God’s grace.

He also stresses the need to cultivate a deep love for God and to trust in His promises. Baxter argues that we should view our trials and sufferings as opportunities to grow in our faith and to draw closer to God.


The Certainty of Death

Baxter reminds us that death can come at any time and that we should always be ready to meet our Maker. He warns us against the dangers of procrastination and encourages us to make the most of every moment.

Baxter also stresses the importance of dying well. He argues that we should strive to die with a clear conscience and with a heart full of faith and hope. Baxter believes that dying well is not just about preparing for the afterlife but also about leaving a legacy of faith and love for those we leave behind.

Final Thoughts

In Dying Thoughts, Richard Baxter offers us a powerful reflection on the inevitability of death and how we can prepare for it. He reminds us that death is not the end but a doorway to eternal life. Baxter encourages us to live a life of holiness and devotion to God and to view our trials and sufferings as opportunities to grow in our faith.

Through his meditations, Baxter challenges us to reflect on our own lives and to seek forgiveness for our sins. He urges us to live a life of humility and to cultivate a deep love for God. Baxter’s words are a timeless reminder that death is not something to fear but something to prepare for with faith and hope.


Q. Who is Richard Baxter? A. Richard Baxter was a prominent 17th-century English Puritan church leader and theologian.

Q. What is the main theme of Dying Thoughts? A. The main theme of Dying Thoughts is the inevitability of death and how we can prepare for it.

Q. What does Richard Baxter say about preparing for eternity? A. Richard Baxter believes that the key to preparing for eternity is to live a life of repentance and faith in God. He urges his readers to reflect on their lives and to seek forgiveness for their sins.


In conclusion, Dying Thoughts by Richard Baxter is a book that explores the topic of death and how we can prepare ourselves for it. Baxter’s insights and reflections on this subject are both thought-provoking and inspiring. The book encourages readers to live each day with purpose, keeping in mind that death is inevitable and that we must be prepared for it.

Through his writings, Baxter reminds us that death is not the end but a new beginning, and that as Christians, we should approach it with hope and joy. He also stresses the importance of living a holy life, repenting of our sins, and placing our faith in God.

Overall, Dying Thoughts is a valuable read for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of death and how to prepare for it. Baxter’s words offer comfort and encouragement, reminding us that even in death, we can find peace and hope.


"Let us live as those that are always upon the borders of eternity, and ready to launch out into the ocean of the infinite, that when we are called hence, we may go as without surprise or amazement, but as those that have made all things ready, and are willing to depart."

"Death is not an end, but a door, and we must all pass through it. And when we have passed through it, we shall be in a new world, a world that is eternal."

"The true Christian looks forward to death with hope and joy, for he knows that death is not the end but the beginning of a new and glorious life."

"Let us not think that we have many days to live, for we know not how soon we may be called to give an account of our stewardship. Therefore, let us live every day as if it were our last."

"The best way to prepare for death is to live a holy life. Let us strive to live a life of repentance and faith in God, that we may be ready to meet Him when our time comes."

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