Book Summary

Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden



Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden by C.H. Spurgeon is a collection of writings from various Puritan authors, including Richard Baxter, John Bunyan, and Thomas Manton. Spurgeon, a renowned preacher and theologian of the 19th century, carefully curated these works to offer readers a refreshing perspective on Christian living. In this book summery, readers will find rich insights and wisdom that will inspire and encourage them in their own faith journeys. So, let’s explore the beauty of “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” and discover the timeless truths that it offers.

The Beauty of Puritan Writing

The Puritans were a group of English Protestants who sought to purify the Church of England from what they saw as the corruption of Roman Catholicism. They were known for their strong emphasis on personal piety, religious discipline, and a deep reverence for God’s sovereignty. Their writings reflect their commitment to these values and offer a unique perspective on Christian living.

Insights from "Flowers From a Puritan's Garden"

  1. The Importance of Prayer

Prayer was an essential part of the Puritan’s daily life. They believed that prayer was a means of communion with God and a way to seek His guidance and strength. In “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden,” readers will find many insights on the importance of prayer, including the following:

  • Prayer is the key to spiritual growth and maturity.
  • Prayer is a means of experiencing God’s love and mercy.
  • Prayer is a way to find comfort and peace in times of trouble.
  1. The Necessity of Holiness

The Puritans believed that holiness was not just an ideal to strive for but a necessary requirement for all Christians. They believed that holiness was the fruit of a genuine conversion and was essential for a life pleasing to God. In “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden,” readers will find many insights on the necessity of holiness, including the following:

  • Holiness is not just a matter of outward behavior but of the heart.
  • Holiness is a lifelong pursuit that requires discipline and effort.
  • Holiness is essential for a life of joy and peace.
  1. The Sovereignty of God

The Puritans believed that God was sovereign over all things, including human destiny. They believed that God’s sovereignty was a source of comfort and security for believers, knowing that God was in control of all things. In “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden,” readers will find many insights on the sovereignty of God, including the following:

  • God’s sovereignty is a source of comfort and hope in times of trouble.
  • God’s sovereignty is a reminder of His power and majesty.
  • God’s sovereignty is a reason to trust in His plan for our lives.


Q1. Who is the target audience for “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden?”

A: “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” is intended for anyone who is interested in Puritan writings and the history of Christianity. It is especially relevant for Christians who are looking to deepen their faith and gain insights into the spiritual practices of the Puritans.

Q2. What is the main theme of “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden?”

A: The main theme of “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” is the spiritual practices of the Puritans, including their emphasis on prayer, Biblical study, and living a godly life.

Q3. How does “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” compare to other Puritan writings?

A: “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” is unique in that it is a collection of Puritan writings on a variety of topics. While other Puritan writings may focus on a specific topic or issue, “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” offers a broader perspective on the Puritan’s spiritual practices and beliefs.


In conclusion, “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the spiritual practices of the Puritans. Through this collection of writings, readers can gain insights into the Puritan’s devotion to prayer, Biblical study, and living a godly life. Spurgeon’s commentary on these writings provides additional context and insight, making this book a valuable addition to any Christian’s library. Whether you are a long-time believer or are just beginning your spiritual journey, “Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden” offers valuable insights and encouragement to help you grow in your faith.


God's mercy is like a river, always flowing, always fresh, always full, and always free.

The true Christian finds his joy not in the absence of suffering, but in the presence of Christ

Faith is the hand that receives the blessing, but humility is the foot that walks in the way of obedience

The Christian life is not a sprint, but a marathon. We must endure to the end to receive the prize

The cross of Christ is not only the symbol of our salvation, but also the pattern of our sanctification.

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