Book Summary

Justification Vindicated



Justification is a central doctrine of the Christian faith. It deals with how we can be made right with God and have our sins forgiven. Robert Traill’s book, Justification Vindicated, offers a comprehensive exploration of this doctrine and its practical implications.

In this article, we provide a summary of Traill’s work. We explore his insights on justification, the role of faith and works, and the practical implications of this doctrine for the Christian life.

The Meaning of Justification

Traill begins by defining justification. He explains that it is a legal term that refers to being declared righteous in the eyes of God. Justification is not something we can achieve through our own efforts. Instead, it is a gift that we receive through faith in Jesus Christ.

Traill emphasizes that justification is a one-time event. It happens when we first put our faith in Christ. This event sets us free from the guilt and penalty of sin. It also gives us a new standing before God.

The Role of Faith and Works

Traill also addresses the relationship between faith and works in the context of justification. He argues that while good works are important, they do not contribute to our justification. Instead, they are a fruit of our justification.

Traill stresses that faith alone is the means by which we receive justification. He cites the Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 3:28: “For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.” According to Traill, this means that our works cannot earn us salvation. Instead, they are an expression of our faith.

The Practical Implications of Justification

Traill also explores the practical implications of justification. He notes that justification has both a negative and a positive aspect.

On the negative side, justification sets us free from the guilt and penalty of sin. We no longer have to fear God’s wrath or punishment. Instead, we have peace with God.

On the positive side, justification gives us a new standing before God. We are now children of God and heirs to His promises. We have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, who empowers us to live a life that honors God.

Traill emphasizes that this new standing before God should lead to a change in our behavior. He argues that if we have truly been justified, we will seek to obey God and do good works. However, he also notes that our obedience is not the basis of our justification. Instead, it is a response to the grace that God has shown us.


Q: Is Justification Vindicated a difficult book to read?

A: Justification Vindicated is a theological work, so it does require some effort to understand. However, Traill’s writing style is clear and accessible, and he explains his ideas in a straightforward manner.

Q: Does Traill address any objections to the doctrine of justification?

A: Yes, Traill addresses several objections to the doctrine of justification. He argues against the idea that justification can be earned through good works or that it is a process rather than a one-time event.

Q: What audience is Justification Vindicated aimed at?

A: Justification Vindicated is aimed at a Christian audience, particularly those who are interested in theological issues. However, anyone who wants to understand the doctrine of justification and its practical implications can benefit from reading this book.


In Justification Vindicated, Robert Traill offers a clear and comprehensive exploration of the doctrine

of justification and its practical implications. He emphasizes that justification is a gift that we receive through faith in Jesus Christ, and that our good works are a fruit of our justification rather than a means to earn it.

Traill’s work is an important contribution to the ongoing discussion of the doctrine of justification. His insights on the relationship between faith and works, and the practical implications of justification for the Christian life, are still relevant today.

For anyone seeking to understand the doctrine of justification and its practical implications, Justification Vindicated is a valuable resource. Traill’s clear and accessible writing style, combined with his theological insights, make this book a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.


"Justification is a legal term that refers to being declared righteous in the eyes of God. Justification is not something we can achieve through our own efforts. Instead, it is a gift that we receive through faith in Jesus Christ."

"Our good works are not the basis of our justification but are rather an expression of our faith." - Robert Traill, Justification Vindicated

"Justification is a legal term that refers to being declared righteous in the eyes of God."

"Justification is not something we can achieve through our own efforts. Instead, it is a gift that we receive through faith in Jesus Christ."

"The doctrine of justification is not a peripheral issue, but is central to the Christian faith."

"Our justification sets us free from the guilt and penalty of sin and gives us a new standing before God."

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