Heartwarming, real life story of Mary Jones, a young girl living in rural Wales in the late 1700s. Mary was a popular girl who loved her parents, worked hard and was keen to learn but most of all she longed to have a bible of her own. But Mary knew that bibles were hard to come by and if she was fortunate enough to find one, it would be expensive so her dearest wish looked as if it would be an impossible dream! An inspiring story of a young girl’s commitment to God and love for His word.
“informative and inspiring”
Anita Armstrong, Carol Stream, Illinois, Reformation and Revival magazine
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Martin Lloyd Jones – From Wales to Westminster.
Mary Jones to Martin Lloyd Jones – both loved God’s word – one did all she could to read it and the other did all he could to preach it – even giving up his career as a top surgeon.
Catherine MacKenzie, Author and CF4K Editor