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Presbytopia – What it means to be Presbyterian


Kendra Golden









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When people visit churches, they come with questions. What do you believe about the Bible? How are you different from the church down the street? Why should I become a member of a Presbyterian Church? These are important questions, and questions that sometimes presbyterians don’t even know the answer to! Ken Golden considers the distinctives of being a presbyterian, the basis for making a profession of faith and the role of the church as a means of grace.

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About the Author

Ken Golden is organizing pastor at Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Davenport, Iowa.


Golden nicely summarized the truths of justification, the sovereignty of God’s grace in salvation, and the gospel-centered aspect of the means of grace. There is no fluff or trendy jargon in this book: it says what it needs to say and then moves on. Having taught membership classes before, I like the way this book is outlined/structured, and I’m glad it was written for average Christians … If you’re looking for a straightforward and brief explanation of what it means to be a historic, confessional Presbyterian church, I recommend this one: Presbytopia by Ken Golden. It’s a good place to start exploring the riches of Reformation theology and church life.

The Aquila Report

… a clear and readable … this is a resource any pastor should welcome. It will be especially useful for pastors who want to instruct their members, and new members, in the great truths of the gospel, as those truths are expressed in a Presbyterian and Reformed church.

K. Scott Oliphint, Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Accessible, engaging, and above all, faithful to Scripture, Ken Golden’s book is more than a new members class text. Anyone looking for an introduction or a refresher to basic Christian beliefs will find this a gem.

Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California, Escondido, California

Given how rare it is to encounter adequately instructed Christians, never mind Presbyterians. Presbytopia is a valuable tool for pastors to use in the new member classes.

Terry L. Johnson, Senior Pastor, Independent Presbyterian Church, Savannah, Georgia

… a magnificent resource … pastors will find it useful not only for acquainting new members with Presbyterian ways but also for re-acquainting long-time members with what they’ve been learning and doing – and helping them to understand why.

David VanDrunen, Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics, Westminster Seminary in California, Escondido, California

Instead of an impossible-to-reach utopia or corrupt dystopia, the Rev. Ken Golden picks a “Presbytopia.” Rev. Golden, lead pastor at Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Davenport, said the made-up word means “old place.” It’s also the title of a book Mr. Golden wrote to explain what it means to be Presbyterian.” Presbytopia is designed to interest Christians of all denominations, he said, and is all about “going to an old place for new ways.” Rev. Golden’s book is divided into three parts: Christian Essentials, Reformed Distinctives and Means of Grace.

“People who have been going to church, but who are thinking of digging deeper into their faith, would find this book a good place to start,” Rev. Golden said.

Leon Lagerstam, Dispatch Argus

… Pastor Golden’s material winsomely but thoroughly orients people to the full scope of Presbyterian Faith and Life – its evangelical doctrine and its reformed distinctives. Here is a new member’s class unafraid to examine the “fine print” of becoming a Presbyterian.

Mike Ross, Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, North Carolina

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