Book Summary

Temptation Resisted and Repulsed


Table of Contents


In Richard Rushing’s thought-provoking book, “Temptation: Resisted and Repulsed,” readers embark on a transformative journey through the intricate landscape of temptation. With a mix of insightful anecdotes and practical wisdom, Rushing presents an abridged guide that illuminates the path to resisting temptation’s seductive allure.

Delving deep into the human experience, Rushing masterfully analyzes the multifaceted nature of temptation, providing readers with invaluable tools to navigate its treacherous waters. Join us as we embark on a captivating summary of this extraordinary book, curated by Owen John, to unravel the profound insights shared within its pages.

1. The Complexity of Temptation

Temptation, the beguiling siren that lures us off the path of righteousness, manifests in various forms, testing our resolve and challenging our principles. Richard Rushing artfully dissects the complexity of temptation, shedding light on its deceptive allure and the internal struggle it incites.

1.1 The Alluring Facade

Rushing exposes the captivating façade of temptation, illustrating how it often disguises itself in attractive garb. Like a cunning chameleon, it adapts to our desires, exploiting our vulnerabilities and enticing us towards destructive paths.

1.2 The Internal Struggle

Within the depths of our souls, a constant battle rages between our innate yearning for righteousness and the relentless pull of temptation. Rushing delves into this internal struggle, elucidating the psychological and spiritual dynamics that underpin our resistance against temptation’s magnetic force.

2. Strategies for Resisting Temptation

Rushing’s book offers a treasure trove of strategies for countering temptation and fortifying our spiritual resolve. Here, we highlight some of the most poignant insights to equip you with the tools necessary to conquer the trials of temptation.

2.1 The Power of Prayer

Prayer, a profound connection with the divine, emerges as a potent weapon against the wiles of temptation. Rushing advocates for a prayerful lifestyle, emphasizing its transformative impact on our hearts and minds. By fostering a consistent and sincere prayer practice, we tap into a wellspring of strength to overcome even the most formidable temptations.

2.2 The Company We Keep

The individuals we choose to surround ourselves with can either uplift or undermine our ability to resist temptation. Rushing urges us to evaluate our associations and ensure that we gravitate towards virtuous companionship. By fostering relationships with like-minded individuals who share our commitment to righteousness, we create a supportive environment that bolsters our resolve and shields us from temptation’s grip.

2.3 Accountability and Self-Reflection

Rushing emphasizes the crucial role of accountability in our journey to resist temptation. By cultivating self-awareness and seeking trustworthy individuals who can hold us accountable, we forge a path of introspection and growth. Through consistent self-reflection and honest evaluation, we become better equipped to identify our vulnerabilities and develop strategies to resist temptation’s allure.


Q1: How does Richard Rushing approach the topic of temptation in his book?

A1: Richard Rushing offers a comprehensive exploration of temptation by delving into its complexity, examining its alluring facade, and exploring the internal struggle it evokes. He provides practical strategies and insights to help readers resist and overcome temptation’s grip.

Q2: Does the book provide practical advice for resisting temptation?

A2: Absolutely! Richard Rushing’s book is filled with practical advice and strategies for resisting temptation. From the power of prayer to the importance of surrounding ourselves with virtuous companionship and fostering accountability, the author equips readers with actionable tools to navigate the challenges of temptation.

Q3: Can this book help individuals from various walks of life?

A3: Yes, indeed! Richard Rushing’s book transcends boundaries and speaks to individuals from all walks of life. Whether you are struggling with personal temptations, facing moral dilemmas, or seeking to strengthen your spiritual resolve, this book offers valuable insights and guidance applicable to diverse circumstances.

Q4: Is “Temptation: Resisted and Repulsed” a religious book?

A4: While “Temptation: Resisted and Repulsed” touches on spiritual themes and draws from religious wisdom, it is not limited to any particular faith. Richard Rushing’s teachings and strategies for resisting temptation are applicable to individuals of various spiritual backgrounds and can resonate with anyone seeking to overcome personal challenges.

Q5: Can this book help individuals understand the root causes of temptation?

A5: Yes, Richard Rushing delves into the root causes of temptation, exploring the psychological and spiritual dynamics that underpin its influence. By shedding light on these underlying factors, readers gain a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding temptation, empowering them to confront and overcome its allure


In “Temptation: Resisted and Repulsed,” Richard Rushing presents readers with a remarkable exploration of the multifaceted nature of temptation. With wisdom, compassion, and practical insights, Rushing guides readers on a transformative journey towards resisting and overcoming the allure of temptation.


"Temptation is a master of disguise, adapting to our desires and preying upon our vulnerabilities. It is only through vigilance and self-awareness that we can see through its alluring facade."

"Prayer is not merely a religious duty; it is a powerful weapon against temptation. Through sincere and consistent prayer, we tap into a divine source of strength that empowers us to resist the pull of temptation."

The company we keep plays a significant role in our ability to resist temptation. Surrounding ourselves with virtuous companions who share our commitment to righteousness creates an environment that supports our journey and shields us from the snares of temptation."

"Accountability is the bridge between intention and action. By seeking trustworthy individuals who can hold us accountable and engaging in self-reflection, we foster personal growth and develop strategies to resist the allure of temptation."

"Understanding the root causes of temptation is key to overcoming its grip. By exploring the psychological and spiritual dynamics behind our struggles, we gain insight and clarity, empowering us to confront and conquer temptation."

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