Book Summary

The Christian’s Great Interest



In a world filled with fleeting desires and temporary pleasures, it is refreshing to encounter a timeless masterpiece that speaks to the deepest longings of the human heart. William Guthrie’s “The Christian’s Great Interest” is a book that transcends time, providing profound insights into the true nature of Christianity and offering guidance for believers in their pursuit of eternal treasures.

The Christian's Great Interest: Unveiling Eternal Treasures

Guthrie’s masterpiece, “The Christian’s Great Interest,” serves as a spiritual guidebook for believers seeking to understand the essence of true Christianity and find their ultimate purpose and fulfillment. Let us embark on an exploration of its core teachings, presented through a series of interwoven concepts.

1. The Nature of True Christianity

At its core, “The Christian’s Great Interest” delves into the fundamental question: What does it truly mean to be a Christian? Guthrie emphasizes that genuine Christianity extends beyond mere religious practices or outward appearances. It is a deeply personal and transformative relationship with Jesus Christ, marked by faith, love, and surrender.

2. The Pursuit of Eternal Treasures

Guthrie emphasizes the importance of prioritizing eternal treasures over earthly possessions. He asserts that true believers should strive to secure their eternal destiny and focus on heavenly riches rather than temporary worldly gains. By fixing our hearts on Christ and seeking His Kingdom above all else, we unlock a source of unparalleled fulfillment.

3. Assurance of Salvation

One of the central themes in Guthrie’s book is the assurance of salvation. Through compelling arguments and biblical references, he explores the notion of a true believer’s confidence in their salvation. Guthrie provides practical insights on how believers can examine their hearts, assess their spiritual condition, and find assurance in their relationship with Christ.

4. The Role of Repentance and Faith

Guthrie highlights the inseparable connection between repentance and faith in the Christian journey. He emphasizes that true repentance involves turning away from sin, seeking forgiveness, and embracing a new life in Christ. Furthermore, he underscores the necessity of genuine faith, which involves trust, surrender, and obedience to Christ’s teachings.

5. The Power of God’s Promises

Throughout “The Christian’s Great Interest,” Guthrie underscores the power and reliability of God’s promises. He encourages believers to anchor their faith in the unchanging nature of God’s Word, finding hope and security in the fulfillment of His divine assurances. Guthrie’s words serve as a beacon of light, guiding believers through life’s trials and uncertainties.

Unveiling the Relevance Today

You may wonder: How does Guthrie’s masterpiece remain relevant in our modern era? While societal contexts may have evolved, the core principles and spiritual truths encapsulated in “The Christian’s Great Interest” transcend time and cultural shifts. Here’s why this book continues to resonate with readers today:

  1. Rediscovering Authentic Christianity: Guthrie’s work challenges readers to reexamine their faith, inviting them to move beyond superficial religious practices

    and delve into the depths of a genuine, transformative relationship with Christ. In an age of religious complacency and lukewarm spirituality, this call to authenticity is as relevant now as it was when Guthrie first penned these words.

    1. Navigating the Temptations of Materialism: In a world consumed by materialism and the pursuit of wealth, “The Christian’s Great Interest” serves as a much-needed compass. Guthrie’s teachings remind us to prioritize eternal treasures over fleeting riches, guiding believers to find contentment in Christ rather than in the accumulation of possessions. This timeless message resonates with individuals seeking fulfillment beyond the empty promises of material gain.

    2. Seeking Assurance in an Uncertain World: The longing for assurance in matters of faith is universal and timeless. Guthrie’s exploration of the assurance of salvation provides solace and guidance in the face of doubt and uncertainty. In an era marked by skepticism and spiritual questioning, this aspect of Guthrie’s work resonates deeply with those seeking a firm foundation for their faith.

    3. Embracing Repentance and Faith: Despite the evolving cultural landscape, the human heart still yearns for redemption and forgiveness. Guthrie’s emphasis on repentance and faith strikes a chord with individuals grappling with their own shortcomings and the need for a fresh start. The message of turning away from sin and placing complete trust in Christ’s redemptive work remains as relevant and powerful today as ever before.

    4. Anchoring Hope in God’s Promises: In a world filled with uncertainty and instability, Guthrie’s unwavering confidence in the reliability of God’s promises provides a steady anchor for believers. The unchanging nature of God’s Word and His faithfulness throughout generations offer hope and encouragement, assuring readers that they can navigate life’s challenges with a firm foundation.

    In a society bombarded with fleeting trends and superficial ideologies, “The Christian’s Great Interest” stands as a timeless testament to the enduring truths of the Christian faith. Its teachings remain relevant, offering spiritual guidance and deep insights into the nature of Christianity. This masterpiece continues to captivate hearts and minds, inviting readers to embark on a transformative journey towards a more meaningful and fulfilling Christian life.


  1. Who is the intended audience for “The Christian’s Great Interest”?

“The Christian’s Great Interest” is intended for believers seeking to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith and grow in their relationship with Christ. It is a valuable resource for individuals at any stage of their spiritual journey.

  1. Is this book suitable for new believers?

Yes, absolutely! Guthrie’s book provides a solid foundation for new believers, guiding them in understanding the essence of true Christianity and offering practical insights for their walk of faith.

  1. Can non-Christians benefit from reading this book?

While “The Christian’s Great Interest” is primarily written for believers, non-Christians can also gain valuable insights into the core teachings and principles of Christianity. It offers a window into the transformative power of the Christian faith and may provoke thought and reflection for those exploring spiritual matters.


“The Christian’s Great Interest” by William Guthrie is a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its profound teachings. Through its exploration of the nature of true Christianity, the pursuit of eternal treasures, assurance of salvation, the role of repentance and faith, and the power of God’s promises, Guthrie’s work offers invaluable guidance for believers seeking to deepen their faith and find true fulfillment.


"The most miserable man in the world is the man who has no interest in Christ."

"Christ is the pearl of great price, and all other things are but pebbles and dirt in comparison."

"The greatest danger lies in being ignorant of the worth and excellency of Christ."

"There is no true peace or happiness to be found in anything apart from Christ."

"To have Christ is to have all things, and to lack Christ is to lack everything."

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