Book Summary

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment



In a world driven by material desires, where the pursuit of happiness often leads to discontentment and dissatisfaction, Jeremiah Burroughs’ “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” serves as a guiding light. Published in the early 17th century, Burroughs’ timeless work explores the depths of human longing and unveils the secret to finding true contentment in a tumultuous world.

The Significance of Inner Peace

In a society characterized by endless distractions, unmet expectations, and constant comparisons, the pursuit of inner peace becomes an increasingly vital endeavor. Burroughs’ “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” presents a profound examination of the human condition and provides invaluable insights on cultivating a contented heart amidst the storms of life.

  1. Understanding the Human Longing for Contentment
  2. The Elusive Pursuit of Happiness: Why Contentment Matters
  3. Breaking Free from the Chains of Discontentment

Understanding the Human Longing for Contentment

Burroughs’ keen observations of the human heart shed light on our innate longing for contentment. He delves deep into the roots of discontentment, recognizing its origins in the human tendency to compare and covet. By uncovering these universal struggles, Burroughs invites readers to introspect and reflect on their own desires.

  1. The Allure of Comparison: Why Do We Compare Ourselves to Others?
  2. The Perils of Covetousness: The Insatiable Desire for More

The Elusive Pursuit of Happiness: Why Contentment Matters

Burroughs argues that the relentless pursuit of happiness often leads to a perpetual state of dissatisfaction. Contrary to popular belief, he contends that genuine happiness is not found in the accumulation of worldly possessions or the fulfillment of every desire. Instead, true contentment lies in embracing one’s present circumstances and finding joy in God’s provision.

  1. The Fallacy of External Fulfillment: Can Material Possessions Bring Lasting Happiness?
  2. The Art of Acceptance: Embracing Life’s Imperfections

Breaking Free from the Chains of Discontentment

Burroughs provides practical guidance on breaking free from the chains of discontentment, offering a roadmap to inner peace and tranquility. By focusing on the sovereignty of God, the brevity of life, and the power of gratitude, readers can cultivate a contented heart even in the midst of adversity.

  1. Surrendering to Divine Providence: Finding Peace in God’s Plan
  2. The Power of Gratitude: Cultivating Thankfulness in Every Circumstance

Unveiling the Rare Jewel: A Brief Overview of Burroughs' Book

“The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” is a treasure trove of wisdom, filled with practical advice and spiritual insights. Burroughs masterfully weaves together biblical teachings and personal anecdotes to illustrate the transformative power of contentment. His profound understanding of human nature shines through every page, offering solace and guidance to those seeking true inner peace.

  1. The Beauty of Simplicity: Bur
  2. The Beauty of Simplicity: Burroughs’ Writing Style
  3. Practical Wisdom for Daily Living: Applying Burroughs’ Teachings

Practical Wisdom for Daily Living: Applying Burroughs' Teachings

“The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” not only offers profound insights but also provides practical guidance for integrating contentment into our daily lives. Burroughs recognizes that true contentment is not a passive state but an active choice and ongoing process. He offers practical steps to help readers develop a contented heart in the midst of life’s challenges.

  1. Cultivating a Grateful Perspective: Burroughs emphasizes the importance of gratitude as a foundational practice for contentment. By training ourselves to focus on the blessings we have rather than what we lack, we can shift our perspective and find joy in the present moment.

  2. Surrendering Control: Burroughs encourages readers to surrender their desires and plans to God’s sovereign will. By acknowledging that God is in control and trusting His divine providence, we can release the burden of trying to control every aspect of our lives, leading to a greater sense of peace and contentment.

  3. Seeking Spiritual Treasures: Burroughs highlights the importance of seeking spiritual riches rather than placing excessive value on material possessions. He reminds us that true contentment is found in our relationship with God and the eternal promises He offers, rather than in the temporary pleasures of this world.

  4. Embracing Detachment: Burroughs challenges readers to detach themselves from worldly expectations and comparisons. By focusing on our own journey and purpose, rather than constantly measuring ourselves against others, we can experience freedom from the chains of discontentment.

  5. Finding Joy in Service: Burroughs encourages readers to find fulfillment in serving others and living a life of purpose. By shifting our focus from self-centered pursuits to acts of kindness and selflessness, we can experience a deeper sense of contentment and fulfillment.


  1. Is “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” a religious book?

    • Yes, “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” is a religious book that explores contentment from a Christian perspective. It offers insights based on biblical teachings and encourages readers to find contentment in their relationship with God.
  2. Can I apply the principles of contentment to my non-religious life?

    • While the book has a Christian foundation, many of the principles and practices shared by Burroughs can be applied to various aspects of life, regardless of one’s religious beliefs. The concepts of gratitude, surrender, detachment, and service can benefit anyone seeking a more contented and fulfilling life.
  3. Is this book relevant in today’s fast-paced and materialistic world?

    • Absolutely! Despite being written centuries ago, the themes and teachings of “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” remain highly relevant in today’s society. In a world characterized by consumerism, comparison, and constant striving, Burroughs’ insights offer a much-needed antidote, guiding individuals toward true and lasting contentment.


The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs continues to be a beacon of wisdom and inspiration, guiding readers on a transformative journey toward true inner peace and contentment. Burroughs’ profound insights into the human longing for happiness, the perils of discontentment, and the power of gratitude provide a roadmap for navigating the challenges of life and finding fulfillment in the present moment.

By embracing the principles shared in this timeless masterpiece, readers can cultivate a contented heart, free from the shackles of comparison, covetousness, and unfulfilled desires. Burroughs’ accessible writing style and practical wisdom make his teachings applicable to people of all backgrounds, inviting them to embark on a journey of self-reflection, gratitude, surrender, and service.


"Contentment is the sweet fruit of a heart deeply rooted in God's providence."

"True contentment lies not in having everything we want, but in wanting everything we have."

"Comparison is the thief of joy. Contentment comes when we stop measuring ourselves against others and start embracing who we are."

"Gratitude is the gateway to contentment. When we focus on the blessings we have, our hearts overflow with joy."

"Surrendering our desires to God's will brings freedom and peace. Trusting in His plan allows contentment to flourish."

"Contentment is not complacency. It is a state of peace that empowers us to embrace life's challenges with a calm and steadfast spirit."

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